4. October 2018

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Czech film commissioner Pavlína Žipková led a Czech delegation to Los Angeles for a working trip that included a series of meetings and presentations from September 18th to 28th. In cooperation with the Association of Audiovisual Producers and Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles, with the participation of the Czech Film Fund Director Helena Bezděk Fraňková, a business breakfast was also held in Beverly Hills focused on local producers, where the Czech Film Commission gave a presentation followed by a panel discussion.
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“We presented a high level of services, creativity and peak professionalism of our film professions, incentives and, above all, the fact that we offer English-speaking heads of individual film departments, from cinematographers to production and costume designers to postproduction supervisors, so it is possible to record a good project almost only with local filmmakers,” said Pavlína Žipková, head of the Czech Film Commission. “We have also presented our intention to American producers to increase the rebate to 25%, and I believe that combined with our great crews and facilities, which the US producers know full well, this move will keep us among the absolute top filming destinations in the world,” added Czech Film Fund director Helena Bezdek Fraňková.