Animation Films

Studio Animation Films was set up in 2011, originally as an independent association of artists who had been occupying themselves with professional production in the field of animated film for many years. In 2013 the independent association ceased operations and the company Animation Films, s.r.o. was established. Studio Animation Films s.r.o. is a professional film studio producing animated films.

We cooperate with many leading Czech artists, directors, screenwriters and musicians, such as Gene Deitch, Miroslav Gál, Lucie Dvořáková, Klára Smolíková, Zdeněk Zdeněk, studio Anima s.r.o. and many others. Currently, we are preparing several animated series for our youngest viewers. In order to achieve our goals, we are seeking partners, sponsors and co-producers who can support our production. In exchange, they are provided with advertising for their companies, products, etc.


Svornosti 1664
Vsetin 755 01
Czech Republic


TRANSOPORT ER (short film, dir. Miloš Zvěřina, 2015)

Team members