Karel Fairaisl

Karel Fairaisl is an independent cinematographer based in Prague, Czech republic.

Karel is member of AČK (Association of Czech Cinematographers), ČFTA (Czech Film and Television Academy) and EFA (European Film Academy).

For his work he has been repeatedly awarded at festivals in Europe and the United States as well as by the Czech Cinematographers Association.


Mánesova 83
Praha 2 120 00
Czech Republic


feature film:

GENERAL (dir. Jerome Cornuau, 2018)

ONE HOUR HUSBAND / HODINOVÝ MANŽEL (dir. Tomáš Svoboda, 2014)

INTRUDERS & HUNTERS / VETŘELCI A LOVCI (dir. Filip Renč, Czech TV Brno, 2009)

CANADIAN NIGHT / KANADSKÁ NOC (dir. Zdeněk Zelenka, Czech TV, 2008)

GUARD NO.47 / HLÍDAČ Č.47 (dir. Filip Renč, Czech TV, 2008)

TV commercial:

Sazka, Flashscore, Škoda, MacDonald, Kingswood, Kievstar, Nemyslís zaplatís (Besip), Míša, Apetito, T Com, Sazka, Lučina, Nescafe