OFFSIDE MEN was created by producer and screenwriter Jan Prusinovsky and the Evolution Films production company in 2011. The company's main focus is the development, production, and distribution of own theatrical film and TV creations, which include films to be internationally co-produced. The company counts with the background and the experience of the parent company Evolution Films, created in 2006, which produced or co-produced over a dozen feature-length films (including numerous international co-productions).


Senovážné nám. 10a
Praha 1 110 00
Czech Republic


CHYBY / MISTAKES (dir. Jan Prušinovský, Czech Republic, Slovakia, 2020)
VŠECHNO JE JINAK / BACK TO SQUARE ONE (TV series for Mall, dir. Jan Prušinovský, Vladimír Škultéty, Czech Republic, 2019)
TRPASLÍK / GNOME (TV series for Czech Television, dir. Jan Prušinovský, 2016)
UČITELKA / THE TEACHER (dir Jan Hřebejk, Czech Republic, Slovakia, 2016)
KOBRY A UŽOVKY / THE SNAKE BROTHERS (dir. Jan Prušinovský, Czech Republic, 2015)
ČTVRTÁ HVĚZDA / FOURTH STAR (TV series for Czech Television, dir. Jan Prušinovský, 2014)