15. April 2017

We can work quickly with filmmakers to get the necessary permits“The building is now used only partially for cultural events. Once a month, tours are offered to the public. As the planned renovation is so complex, a window of opportunity has opened for filmmakers to take advantage of these authentic, original, untouched spaces before signs, installations, or other “disruptive” elements go up,” says Košuličová about the current situation. “At present, the most frequently used space is the 181.5 m2 chapel featuring 8.5 m high ceilings and social realist painting in place of the altar. Also often used is the “robotárna” or sweatshop: a renovated space measuring 107 m2 with white vaulted ceilings and wooden floors,” adds Košuličová. Overall, the complex measures nearly 8,000 m2.The prison’s original layout consists of a four-winged building with a central section in which a chapel is located. The complex has three inner courtyards.