This week has been very fortunate for the Czech cinematography. Czech film professionals had to wait long 20 years for the new Film law and finaly on Wednesday 18 December the law was passed. Furthermore, yesterday, 19 December, the acceptation of the state budget proposal for 2013 brought 500 mil CZK for the tax incentives supporting film production in the Czech Republic (compared with 300 mil. CZK last year).
Because the new Film Law exceeds the extent of permitted support, according to the EU rules it has to be notified by European Commission. Notification can take around 3 months. As a part of the new Film law, the system of tax incentives has got much more stable position. The administration of the incentives will be newly in hands of The Cinematography Fund, instead of Ministry of Culture. The whole process of granting the incentives should become more transparent and continual. For more information about registration of new projects for 2013 incetives (Film Industry Support Programme), please check or December 2012