19. December 2013

The Director of the State Cinematography Fund will announce the amount of film incentive funds available for 2014 in the beginning of 2014, upon approval of the state budget. The registration process will start immediately thereafter in accordance with the text of the Statute. Film incentives were previously managed by the Ministry of Culture, but are now administered by the State Fund for Cinematography, pursuant to Act No. 496/2012 (a group of laws regarding the support of audiovisual works and cinematography as well  the amendment of previous laws). Fundamental systemic changes resulting from the transition program in support of the film industry via Act No. 496/2012 can be summarized in a few basic points:
  • Responsibility for film incentives is delegated to the newly created State Fund of Cinematography
  • The funds are not tied to the fiscal year and may be paid at any time during the year following the submission of an audit
  • The available resources are announced by the Director of the State Cinematography Fund at a specified time.
The way the film incentive system works is that after the publication of available funds, usually at the beginning of the calendar year, film and TV projects must register with the system. After they comply with the conditions of the program, specified funds will be allocated for these projects. Announcement of the available resources is subject to the approval of the state budget. The announcement of available resources cannot be made until the State budget is approved. Only then, at the beginning of the calendar year, it is possible for the Director of the State Fund for Cinematography to announce the available resources. Then comes the period of registration, meetings of the Cultural Test Committee, subsequent documentation and issuance of a final certificate of registration with the amount allocated to the project. Applications for registration of the project received outside the defined registration period shall be deemed delivered the first day of the next registration period (the recorded date for the assessment of eligible costs shall be the date on which the Fund has received an application for registration).