3. July 2020

Alternativní text obrázku

Updated September 11, 2020

The purpose of this document is to recommend a practical procedure to reduce the risk of termination or interruption of an entire film or TV project (AVW) in case of a proven SARS-COV2 infection in a film crew member or performer.

There are six basic preconditions for the possible implementation of these measures:

  1. An established system and guidelines defining the frequency of SARS-COV2 PCR tests of all crew members, actors and other performers, based on their division into workgroups.
  2. Division of the crew, actors and other performers into several levels and groups whose mutual interaction (mutual proximity of people from different levels or groups) is minimized or takes place exclusively with the use of protective equipment (such as face masks with filters).
  3. Prepared documentation and procedures for individual filming processes in terms of health and safety, fire protection and protection against Covid-19: cross-border transport, site inspections, separate crew facilities, food and beverage distribution, organization of filming, transport based on individual crew groups, use of PPE (personal protective equipment), processes relating to the functioning of individual crew groups, their mutual interaction, etc.
  4. Standardized types and procedures for PPE use by the crew, actors, and other performers.
  5. A designated H&S person responsible for ensuring that processes are based on reality and maintaining documentation should it be necessary to deal with the hygiene station, and supervising compliance with the set rules at the shooting location.
  6. Signed affidavits from crew members, actors and other performers indicating compliance with established rules and behavior outside working hours.

When COVID-19 appears on set:

  • If symptoms are present
    • If symptoms are apparent when measuring body temperature before entering the shooting area, this person will not be permitted to enter the shooting area, and a follow-up temperature measurement and a medical examination will be performed. They will then return to their accommodation or home, where they will remain in quarantine, and a follow-up test for SARS-COV2 will be performed without delay. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.
    • If symptoms appear in the morning before arrival on set and the affected person has reported this to the Czech producer by telephone - he/she will stay at home or in their accommodation, contact a doctor, and a follow-up test for SARS-COV2 will be performed without delay. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.
    • If symptoms appear during the filming day: the person will report this to the medic or H&S specialist. They will maintain a minimum distance of 2 m from other members of the crew. They will then move to a checkpoint off-set, where their temperature will be checked and then they will return to their home or accommodation. The person will immediately undergo a follow-up PCR test for SARS-COV2. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.

  • If the SARS-COV2 test result is positive 
    • If the doctor does not order the person to be hospitalized, the person with a positive SARS-COV2 test will remain in home quarantine and wait to be contacted by the hygiene station.
    • The H&S specialist, together with the producer, will analyze the risky and non-risky contacts with the person who has tested positive, and inform the crew group with risky and non-risky contact with the person who has tested positive. Members of this group will undergo PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2. A „risky contact“ is personal contact without a face mask or other protective equipment at a distance of less than 2m and for a period of more than 15 minutes.
    • The H&S specialist, in cooperation with the positively tested person and the project producer, shall immediately contact the relevant hygiene station and determine the next steps. The hygiene station will assess the situation on the basis of information from the positively tested person, the H&S specialist, and the project producer. Depending on the circumstances of the infection and possible instructions, it will then decide upon the next step. As of Sept. 1, 2020, this means a ten-day quarantine for any person who has come into risky contact with a person who has tested positive for SARS-CoV2. The degree of high-risk contact will be assessed by hygienists on the basis of the information received and on compliance with the recommended measures, wearing of PPE, and the degree of proximity of persons at risk, etc.
    • The tested person will be permitted to return to filming once they have presented a negative PCR test result and received permission from the hygiene station. In such case, all crew members/crew groups coming into close contact with each other will use FFP3 level protective equipment or a high quality face mask with a nano-filter. This regulation will apply both to tested persons from the high-risk group and to all other crew members who come into close contact with these persons.
    • The H&S specialist, in cooperation with the project producer, will ensure immediate disinfection of the site (set/office/vehicle, etc.) as well as all equipment or other related items with which the positively tested person came into contact prior to testing and that will continue to be used.
    • All these steps are to be carried out in cooperation with the H&S specialist and project producer without delay.

Author: Mgr. Jiří Kosorinský

Expert consultants: Pavel Müller - producer, Sirena Film, MUDr. Marek Joukal PhD., Regional Hygiene Station of the Capital City of Prague, MUDr. Zlata Marešová, SEFEX - Safety Film Experts, s.r.o., BcA. Pavlína Žipková

Complete book of COVID-19: self-regulatory guidelines>