Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague - Animation and Film

Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague - Animation and Film is focused on animated film, covering, however, everything even remotely related to films (image stories, 3-D objects such as marionettes, movie awards, posters, games, toys, puppet and cartoon theatres, etc.). This "playful" approach to animated films and cartoons fully corresponds with the creative and artistic character of the Academy, compensating, at the same time, the need to work with utmost care, precision and patience.

This concept also makes it different from the Department of Animated Films of the Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU), where students are more systematically prepared for a career in the animated film industry. Nevertheless, our students are definitely not to be seen as animation artists only, waiting helplessly for the help of more experienced FAMU graduates.


Nám. Jana Palacha 80
Praha 1 116 93
Czech Republic

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