Jan Jirásek

I wrote film scores for many movies and received two Czech Lion Awards for the best film score: "Kytice" (Wild Flowers) - dir. F.A.Brabec, "Nejasna zprava o konci sveta" (An Ambiguous Report About the End of the World) - dir. J.Jakubisko. I also teach and am active both in USA and Europe having concerts and teaching courses in composition (Colorado Springs, CO, Miami, FL, New York, NY, Hartford, CT, Vienna, Austria, etc.. My music has been performed by many outstanding orchestras and musicians (Munich Philharmonics, Duo Quatro Magni, etc.). My music has been released on many CDs by great CD companies (BMG, EMI, etc.. You can find my CV including many music samples on my homepage www.janjirasek.com.


Konopišťská 909
Šestajovice, Praha-východ 250 92
Czech Republic