KABOS Film & Media s.r.o.

Film is our passion. We build on a long tradition in filmmaking. The company was founded as a boutique film production with the production of features, documentaries, television series, and commercials. We are developing our own projects, but we also focus on international co-productions and production services.


U Zeleného ptáka 1145/12
Praha 148 00



MARCH OR DIE (feature documentary, CZ, SK)

THE BAND (feature documentary, CZ, SK)

ALL MY CHILDREN (feature documentary, CZ, SK)

THE IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE (feature hybrid, CZ, SK)

THE BAND (feature documentary, CZ, SK)

COLORS OF SAND (feature documentary, CZ, SK)

MARCH OR DIE (feature documentary, CZ, SK)

GHOSTS (feature documentary, CZ, SK)


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